The other concerts of Blindman Quartet in the Archa Theatre

Blindman Quartet and Buster Keaton

The final evening of the Archa Theatre season (July 4) was an oasis of good humour, which two apparently antagonistic, artistic categories earned great merit. On one side, it was famous "Steamboat Bill Jr." from the silent film era from 1928, performed and directed perfectly, with the unbelievable and artistic genius of Buster Keaton. On the other side was the music of the Belgian contemporary Blindman saxophone Quartet. At the beginning of the evening, the performers presented an independently small concert. It was built on the calm surface of the rhythm, interrupted by sounds created with the stroking of fingers on the instruments, and the non-traditional work with their breath... Their music, which they provided for the film screening, was enriched with the sounds and voices from pre-recorded tapes. In the film, we also saw the incredible catastrophic scenes with the windstorm against which Keaton fought against so well, that even a cynical soul in today's audience felt some emotion inside - a purging combination of laughter and tears. The music of the Blindman Quartet also demonstrated this.

Vladimír Kouřil, Lidové noviny, 10. 7. 1997