Photos from the performance

Dny Jeruzalémské kultury v Praze
(Days of Jerusalem Culture in Prague)

September 18, 1995 at 8:00 p.m.

Choreography: Amir Kolben
Production of film part: Noah Stolman
Set Design: Yoram Afek
Costumes: Atalia Ben-Menachem
Light Design: Shai Yehudai
Poetry: Izthak Laor
Musical collage: (Billie Holiday, Arvo Part)
Recorded ensemble Casablanca
Dancers: Galit Hamami, Keren Levi, Amir Kolben, Zohar Rabinovitch

Casablanca is multimedia performance, which is created by the stage dancer, a musical collage, poetry and the screened segments of the famous film "Casablanca" (newly edited for the purpose of this project). The theme of the performance is "a romantic triangle", which is shown here simultaneously by two quite different art forms - by dance on the stage and the film presentation. With the movement of their bodies, three people throw light - for a moment of passion and pain, resistance and child's enthusiasm, jealousy and loneliness, taken from the story. The importance of the performance is to stress that even through art expression the structure of ties in this human triangle remain the same. Unwanted and chance similarities between the film's and the dancer's triangle are part of the pains of the dialogue between the two languages of art. "Casablanca" - the dance on the stage and the film simultaneously - is an attempt at keeping the movement of non-realistic love, silent beside the tones and empty spaces beside characters, who are created by their movements.