The Positive Energy of the Rollins Band

Henri Rollins, who performed at the Archa Theatre on Thursday, perhaps has anger inherent in his genes. The music of his Band is truly hard, yet the aggressive vibrations didn't radiate from it - of course, not in the least, with his relationship to the audience. If Rollins is eager about something or somebody, then these are the various structures that are trying to change his individuality according to itself. To violate him. "Sometimes it's written that in our music, there is too much aggression. But it's about energy: the aggression is connected with force and power and our music is positive, spiritual and clear," says guitarist Chris Haskett.
          It is not possible to add the Rollins Band to the category of metal music - for this, it is too sophisticated, it has a distance to things. His godfathers are punk (which Henry Rollins played before), and jazz (which the excellent bass player Melvin Gibbs brings to the music). The other influence is Jimi Hendrix - his guitar variations are a reminder of Gibbs' deformed solo in the song Destroying The Vibe. And above all this, there is Rollin's voice. His song was called Burned Beyond Recognition. And this was precise the impression of the excellent concert.

MF Dnes, 12. 7 . 1997, Josef Rauvolf