Programme of the Archa Theatre for July 1995

Festival Tanec Praha (Dance Prague Festival)

Saturday, July 1
8:00 p.m.
DV8 Physical Theatre: Enter Achilles
The newest performance of the famous British "physical theatre" company. Bizarre and shocking choreography by Lloyd Newson. The performance is not suitable for children.

Monday, July 3
8:00 p.m.
Hervé Diasnas: Une Nuit de Clous d'or dans l'Etain
The night of the highlight in the can. Duet of the famous French dancers Hervé Diasnas and Cecile Borne.

Tuesday, July 4
8:00 p.m.
Hervé Diasnas: "Le premier silence"
The first silence. Dialogue between the dancer and the puppet.

Sunday, July 9
8:00 p.m.
Deutsch Nepal / Mental Destruction
Two Swedish musical productions for the first time in Prague.