Programme of the Archa Theatre for March 2002

Monday, March 4, 8 p.m.
Jan Kodet
Jade and Danse Macabre
A special evening featuring the prominent, internationally acclaimed, Czech choreographer Jan Kodet and his dancers. The first piece was originally choreographed for the Balet Gulbenkien in Portugal, and then reworked by Jan Kodet for his dance group. The second part of the evening will present the pre-premiere of a newly choreographed version of the performance Danse Macabre, which was first presented in the Archa Theatre as part of the larger exhibition project The Glory of the Baroque in Bohemia. This new independent version was developed in close collaboration between Jan Kodet and the music composer Ivan Acher. Both works are models of first-rate contemporary dance, lighting and sound design.
English friendly

Dance Zone 2002
Central European Showcase of Contemporary Dance

Tuesday, March 5, 8 p.m.
Jan Kodet
Jade and Danse Macabre
English friendly

Wednesday, March 6, 7 p.m.
Irma Omerzo (Croatia)
A "dance documentary" about a love affair that manifests various qualities, shapes and phases of love. A duet that refers to the experiences of a love crisis, whose causes and consequences are played according to unspoken rules. It's played through to the anticipated happy end, but also with the risks of an unmanageable poker game. The path to harmony, as we all know, is not easy...
English friendly

Wednesday, March 6, 8.30 p.m.
Compagnie Pál Frenák (Hungary)
Tricks and Tracks
An evening long performance by the prominent French-Hungarian choreographer living in Paris and his dance troupe. Frenák's dancing style is brutal, uncompromisingly naked, a game of physical risks and broken taboos that is focussed towards a pure sensuality and sultriness, while at the same time the "performance emanates beauty - space, colour, beautiful physique, movement lines..." (dance publicist Nina Vangeli). The group has earned worldwide recognition and admiration for its forceful dance art.
English friendly

Thursday, March 7, 8 p.m.
Déja Donné (ČR)
In Bella Copia
The newest performance from the dance workshop of the group Déja Donné, by the Czech choreographer Lenka Flory and the Italian choreographer Simone Sandroni. The performance about the inner revolt of "I" and "cleanligraphy" was enthusiastically received by both audiences and critics at its January premiere. The dynamic performance is full of complicated dance feats and choreographic inspiration.

Program for the professional public
March 5-7, all day: a preview of performances from some of the most interesting Central European groups, with a panel discussion and meetings.

Friday, March 8, 8 p.m.
Déja Donné (ČR)
In Bella Copia

Saturday, March 9, 8 p.m.
Déja Donné (ČR)
In Bella Copia

Sunday, March 10, 8 p.m.
Theatre Vizita
An attempt to permeate (Jaroslav Dušek) dreams (Martin Zbrožek) and dreaming? Dimming: Viktor Zborník. Musical reinforcement: Dan Bárta, Jaromír Honzák, Jan Stolba.

Monday, March 11, 8 p.m.
Respekt Weekly Debate
Six months after the Attack on New York
or, Along the Road to Freedom or a Return to a Police State? Guests: František Bublan - Director of UZSI, Jiří Kolář - Police Force President

March 13 - 15, 8 p.m.
Questioning Heaven in Despair
A sino-baroque performance
Directed by: J. A. Pitínský. The main role: Feng-Jün Song.
A theatrical and musical piece in which contemporary culture meets with the mysterious and fascinating worlds of Chinese Opera and Baroque Theatre. The story of an early 18th century Czech Jesuit mission to the court of the Chinese Emperor. The performance weaves together elements of the Peking Opera - such as Chinese singing, acrobatics, martial arts - with baroque music and the principles of baroque theatre. The performance was created as an ancillary project of "The Glory of the Baroque in Bohemia" exhibition.
English friendly

Saturday, March 16, 8 p.m.
Theatre Vizita
A Child's Doldrums
The immature revolt of two adults (Jaroslav Dušek, Martin Zbrožek) against the light point (Viktor Zborník).

Sunday, March 17, 8 p.m.
Theatre Vizita
March Cabbage Stalks
An attempt at spring cleaning (Jaroslav Dušek) using non-traditional tools (Martin Zbrožek) in the current of a photon (Viktor Zborník)

March 18 - 22
Lighting Design Workshop
Workshop for the professional public focussed on the art of lighting design of contemporary dance projects. The workshop will be led by Michael Hulls, one of the best British lighting designers. Organized in cooperation with the British Council.

Monday, March 25, 8 p.m.
Jan Burian: 50
A celebration of a birthday, new book and song album, by and for Jan Burian, with the help of a few friends on the stage and under it.... Jan Burian appears together with Jan Amos and Gregory Finn. Stage performance of the new CD Mirror.
English friendly

Tuesday, March 26, 8 p.m.
Tender buttons
A raw musical gala spectacle about things both seen and unseen
A new Archa Theatre Studio project. The main character of the performance is the sightless singer and pianist Kataryna Kolcová, whose personal statements are confronted with the poetry of the Gertrude Stein, the mother of the American artistic avant-garde. The performance arises out of the texts of both authors, like circus acts. B-grade, kitsch and tawdry erotica are mixed in with a tragic desire for love. With: Kataryna Kolcová, Petra Cikánová, Jakub Žáček, Jaroslav Kořán and Agnes Kutas. Stage design: David Cajthaml. Dramaturgy: Nina Rutová. Conception and directed by: Jana Svobodová. First performance.

Wednesday, March 27, 8 p.m.
Tender buttons
A raw musical gala spectacle about things both seen and unseen
Second performance.

Thursday, March 28, 8 p.m.
Tender buttons
A raw musical gala spectacle about things both seen and unseen


Saturday, April 6, 8 p.m.
Archa Theatre and Respekt Ball
Following last year's enthusiastic response, once again we bring to you MTO Universal with their all night long, wild and woolly, dance session. Design: David Černý
English friendly

Exhibition in the Foyer:
Architecture - Photographs by members of the Photography Association on the theme of architecture